Take care of your nails with the nails care app

 Nails are considered one of the most important elements of beauty that affect the human form, as many women take care of their nails until they reach beautiful, curved, smooth-edged nails with a beautiful color
  Although the nails are not among the biomedical subjects, they often carry certain medical connotations

 It is possible that these nails indicate liver problems if they are dotted with white dots
 If these nails contain dark lines, this may indicate psoriasis
  If these nails are large, bulging, and have a severely curved shape, then this indicates polydactyly, which appears after a chronic heart and pulmonary injury

And today we will talk about the nails care app
The ultimate nail care app built on software science

Application contents
This application takes care of the nails in all its medical and cosmetic conditions
 It can give you advice about a specific vital sign and explain it to you
 In addition, it provides some advice and instructions to solve the problems of the broken and dislocated nail
  Peripheral nail caused by diabetes, we find that the patient loses feeling in the lower extremities, and so the length of the nail is dangerous because it may cause some wounds that the patient does not feel

Application features
This application is considered a  reference for many cases of internal physiological nail injuries or traumatic physical injuries that a person is exposed to during the practice of his normal life

 This application provides tips for diabetics to wear loose shoes that provide them with protection from wounds and bleeding

This application mentions many of the risks that result from biting nails or wearing artificial nails, which harm the original nail bed

This application is free and you can download it without paying any money or fees within the application, and its size is suitable for all devices

Download the application
Via the following link click here

Take care of your nails with the nails care app Take care of your nails with the nails care app Reviewed by Doctor on December 30, 2022 Rating: 5

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