Convert your steps into money with today's app

 Converting steps into money is a trend in the world of fitness apps These apps reward users for their physical activity, whether it's walking, running, or other exercises Users earn points or virtual currency for every step they take, which can be redeemed for real rewards like cash, gift cards, or donations to charities
This innovative concept not only promotes a healthier lifestyle but also provides financial incentives for staying active and achieving fitness goals

About this app 
The “Weward” app is a fitness and health app that allows users to earn rewards for tracking their physical activity and making healthy choices

Here are more details about the “Achievement” app
Data Tracking: The Weward app tracks a variety of health-related activities and data, including
Steps taken: It tracks your daily step count
Exercise: It logs your workouts and activities
Sleep: It monitors your sleep duration and quality
Nutrition: You can manually log your food intake and other health-related activities
Surveys and Studies: You can participate in surveys and research studies to earn extra points

Points System: Weward uses a points system to reward users for their healthy activities. Users earn points for each tracked activity. The more activities you log, the more points you can accumulate over time

Rewards: Users can redeem their accumulated points for rewards. Some of the rewards include
Cash via PayPal: You can transfer your earnings to your PayPal account
Gift Cards: The app offers gift cards to various popular retailers and online stores
Charitable Donations: You have the option to donate your earnings to a charity of your choice, supporting a good cause

Technical Info
Last updated on Sep 29, 2023
Requires Android
Android 6.0+
Size 72.1 MB 

Download link click here

Convert your steps into money with today's app Convert your steps into money with today's app Reviewed by Doctor on October 01, 2023 Rating: 5

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