A group of imaginary calls with the police for the player with children through the children's police application

 Parents often joke with children and play with them, or sometimes resort to scaring them when they tell them that I will call the police, because the child may have done some problem or he does not want to respond to something, so the parents return to a lie I will call the police if you do not do this, or do this

Today we will talk about an entertaining application that is used to play with children in the same way that we talked about in the previous paragraph
 Through this application, we can scare children with a group of imaginary conversations with the police so that they feel that they do not have to do this problem or that they should not refuse to abide by the orders that are given  it's the children's police app

children's police
The application that contains a set of different audio recordings of imaginary conversations with the police in order to scare young children who refuse to perform duties and abide by orders or they want to do some problems and parents want to prevent them from doing these problems so they return to this application not to play some different recordings that contain fake conversations  with the police recorded with sound

Application features
You can get the application for free through the store without paying any sums of money, fees, or various financial subscriptions

The application does not require a large amount of storage space, as its size is very small and fits all devices and does not occupy any large amount of space

In the application there is a set of various recordings that ensure that parents can use the application without intimidating their children or making them feel very afraid, It is an entertaining application and has a comedic nature, and the child does not feel extreme fear when he hears it, the voice in the recording is a soft voice and commands the child to do useful things and not to do harmful things

The application is suitable for all devices that run on the Android device, as it is an application designed using modern advanced software

Download the application
Via the following link click here

A group of imaginary calls with the police for the player with children through the children's police application A group of imaginary calls with the police for the player with children through the children's police application Reviewed by Doctor on February 03, 2023 Rating: 5

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